
East Jerusalem demolitions jump since Trump

Home demolitions in East Jerusalem have risen dramatically since the election of US President Donald Trump, with plans for "legal" housing development for Palestinians stalled.


UNESCO nomenclature wars in Jerusalem

The UNESCO resolution against Israel's political archaeology at the Temple Mount counter-productively refered to the site only by its Islamic name, the Ḥaram al-Sharif.

Greater Middle East

Syria: fall of Dabiq fails to spark apocalypse

Free Syrian Army forces backed by Turkish warplanes took the town of Dabiq from ISIS—failing to spark the apocalyptic battle that the "caliphate" had prophesied.

Greater Middle East

ISIS attacks Islamic holy city… WTF?

The ISIS attack on Medina, Islam's second holiest city, betrays the group's eschatological imperative and desire to bring about a final conflict that will purge the world of heresy.