Greater Middle East

Egypt: escalating violence in Sinai Peninsula

Troops fired on protesters in the Sinai, and militants retaliated with armed attacks on police. A new Salafist network, Ansar al-Sharia in Egypt, pledges to resist the new regime.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: revolution redux or military rule?

A new dictatorship could position the Muslim Brotherhood to recoup its losses—allowing it to pose once again as champion of the oppressed rather than oppressor.

Greater Middle East

Egyptian anarchists say no to dictatorship

The Egyptian anarchist bloc is participating in the anti-Morsi protests—but with a dissident perspective that warns against either Islamist or military dictatorship.

Greater Middle East

Egypt military ousts Morsi, suspends constitution

The Egyptian military deposed President Mohamed Morsi, suspended the constitution, and installed an interim government headed by High Constitutional Court judge Adly Mansour.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: Tahrir Square occupied again

Street clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsi shook Egypt's cities in a day of rival protests nationwide that left two dead.


Islamic Jihad severs ties with Hamas

The Islamic Jihad movement in Gaza announced that it is suspending ties with Hamas, accusing Gaza authorities of being responsible for the death of one of the group’s members. 


Egypt threatens Ethiopia over hydro project

Egyptian politicians threatened military action as Ethiopia began diverting waters of the Blue Nile for a mammoth new hydro-electric project, abrogating a colonial-era pact.

Greater Middle East

Egypt court convicts 43 in NGO crackdown

An Egyptian court convicted 43 foreign and domestic non-governmental organization employees of engaging political activity without proper documentation.