The Andes

Bolivia ready for nuclear power: Evo Morales

At a “Hydrocarbon Sovereignty” conference in Tarija, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales said his country has achieved the conditions to obtain nuclear power for “pacific ends.”

The Andes

Colombia: river defender assassinated

Nelson Giraldo Posada, a spokesman for campesinos forcibly relocated to make way for the HidroItuango hydro-electric project, was slain by unknown gunmen in Ituango, Colombia. 

The Andes

Peru: Conga protest camp fired on

The protest camp at the Conga site was evicted by company goons, only to be re-established days later. But unknown gunmen fired on the new encampment.

Central Asia

Tibet: anti-mining protesters under siege

Ethnic Tibetans protesting what they called illegal mining operations clashed with Chinese security forces in Qinghai province, where hundreds of troops are deployed.