Split in Somali resistance?

…(Garowe Online, Oct. 3) On Oct. 5, soldiers from Somalia’s transitional government raided a health clinic in the outskirts of Mogadishu, where the international charity Muslim Aid was distributing food…

General strike rocks Tunisia

…and the mining town of Gafsa. Two days of protests across the country have left scores injured and a police officer dead. (Middle East Online, Middle East Online, Al Jazeera, AFP, The…

Egyptian revolution meets the new boss?

…chief who was Hosni Mubarak’s last prime minister. The Brotherhood is deriding Shafiq and his supporters as “feloul”—a scornful Arabic term for “remnants” of Mubarak’s order. (Middle East Online, May…

More news sources, less news: study

…are constricting, and so, it appears, is the amount of resources dedicated to original newsgathering.” Newspaper audiences may be growing online, but Web sites don’t deliver the kind of revenue…