Please support what you read—and have fun too! World War 4 Report needs to get out of the red after the past year’s travels in the Andes. If you’ve appreciated our first-hand reportage from Bolivia and Peru, please be there—or make a donation online.
6 PM Teach-in and Report-back
Bill Weinberg leads a presentation on indigenous, peasant and ecological struggles in Bolivia and Peru, one year after the Bagua massacre, “the Amazon’s Tiananmen Square,” which led to a general uprising in the Peruvian rainforest. With video footage and first-hand reports from April’s Cochabamba climate summit.
8 PM Spoken word section
With the legendary Peter Lamborn Wilson and poet Amina Muñoz Ali
9 PM Rockin’ the house
With the urban folk-rock of Fist of Kindness
NYC cumbias from Cumbiagra
Multi-media radical art/rock from Mac McGill, with Steve Wishnia, On Davis, Breeze, Matt Metzgar and special guests.
The World War 4 Report House Band
Other artists to be announced…
All for less than you’d pay for a movie in Manhattan!
At the Sixth St. Community Center, 638 East 6th St. in lower Manhattan
Please be there, or support us online right now…
World War 4 Report benefit

World War 4 Report Benefit flyer —print and distribute

The benefit…
…was a big success. Many thanks to everyone who showed up to support us!