The Amazon

Peru declares ‘Yellowstone of the Amazon’

Peru's government designated as a national park the vast Sierra del Divisor area of the Amazon rainforest—but will it really be able to police the remote territory?

The Andes

Ecuador: victory for Kichwa sovereignty

Ecuadoran border authorities allowed an indigenous leader to enter the country on a passport issued by the Kichwa Nation, hailed as an "historic precedent" for the hemisphere.

The Andes

Peru: protests as US military forces arrive

Angry protesters took to the streets of Lima as 3,000 US troops arrived in Peru for an anti-drug "training mission" in the country's coca-growing jungle zones.

The Andes

Peru: La Oroya protests turn deadly

One worker was killed before laid-off employees of the idled Oroya smelting complex lifted their strike as Peru's government pledged to reach a deal with the facility's creditors.

The Andes

Peru: naked protesters storm congress

National Police troops used tear-gas and armored vehicles against hundreds of partially naked marchers for abortion rights who attempted to storm Peru's Congress building.