New York City

Islamophobic propaganda: coming to a bus near you

New York City buses will be running ads from the jingoistic American Freedom Defense Initiative attacking the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque”—part of a nationwide propaganda campaign.

New York City


From the Gothamist, April 28: Community Activist Harry Wieder Killed by Taxi Harry Wieder, an LGBT rights, transportation, and disabilities advocate, was run down and killed by a taxi last night in the LES [Lower East Side]. Weider, 57, described… Read moreWHY WE FIGHT

New York City

Did Bronx terror plot originate with FBI?

The (disabled) Stinger missile in the supposed Bronx terror plot of course originated with the FBI infiltrator. We wonder how much more of the plot originated with the FBI infiltrator.

New York City


The Syria Peace Vigil in New York's Union Square was threatened by followers of the pro-Assad "Party for Socialism and Liberation," one of whom actually took a swing at one of the vigilers. It is hardly surprising that supporters of genocidal dictators will resort to violence to try to intimidate those who stand against those regimes. The question is why do the "anti-war" forces in New York and the United States continue to view PSL and its front groups like the ANSWER Coalition as legitimate allies? (Photo: Syria Solidarity NYC via Facebook)

New York City


From WPIX-NY, Jan. 22: Child Killed in Chinatown After Van Jumps Curb One child is dead and at least four or five others have been injured after a catering van belonging to China Chalet jumped the curb in Chinatown striking… Read moreWHY WE FIGHT