
Israeli high court justices face war crimes suit

Three justices on the Israeli Supreme Court have been sued for authorizing construction of Israel's wall around the West Bank, found illegal by the International Court of Justice.

Planet Watch

UN moves to outlaw nuclear weapons in 2017

The UN adopted a resolution—hailed by disarmament campaigners as an important landmark—to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons.


UNESCO nomenclature wars in Jerusalem

The UNESCO resolution against Israel's political archaeology at the Temple Mount counter-productively refered to the site only by its Islamic name, the Ḥaram al-Sharif.


Israeli army shells Gaza —again

The Israeli army shelled a site allegedly used by Palestinian militant groups in the central Gaza Strip after a rocket fired from the Strip hit an open area in southern Israel.


Trump plays Jerusalem card for Jewish vote

Trump pledged to Netanyahu that he would "recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital" of Israel. Will American Jews take this bait—despite his open blocking with neo-Nazis?

Greater Middle East

The Nation magazine spreads lies on Syria

The Nation magazine's avid Putin propagandist Stephen F. Cohen repeats the Moscow-line lie that Russia is bombing ISIS in Aleppo—despite the fact that ISIS is not in Aleppo.

Greater Middle East

Is US really backing Syrian rebels?

"Left" media continue to portray a massive US program of support for the Syrian rebels to destabilize Bashar Assad—in spite of the utter baselessness of this thesis.