Greater Middle East

Egypt: 439 refered to military tribunal

Egypt's top prosecutor referred 439 individuals to a military tribunal for the killing of three police officers last year. Rights groups protest the use of the tribunals for civilians.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: court sentences 188 to death

An Egyptian court sentenced 188 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to death for an August 2013 attack on a police station in Giza governate, widely known as the "Kerdasa massacre."

Greater Middle East

Egypt: court dismisses case against Mubarak

A Egyptian court dropped charges against former president Hosni Mubarak in his retrial for the deaths of more than 100 protesters during the 2011 uprising that toppled his regime.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: first FGM trial ends in acquittals

Two men in Egypt were acquitted on charges relating to female genital mutilation, in the only case brought to trial since the law banning FGM was toughened in 2008.

Southeast Asia

Worldwide despots: Orwell still dangerous

Protesters in military-ruled Thailand have been silently reading 1984 in public to outwit a ban on gatherings—leading to the book itself being banned. Egypt could be next.


Bedouin under attack from Sinai to Hebron

The Egyptian army is destroying hundreds of Bedouin homes along the Gaza border to create a "security zone," while the Israeli army razed more Bedouin homes on the West Bank.

North Africa

Egypt bombs Libya —again?

Amid fierece fighting in Benghazi, AP cites unnamed "officials" as saying Egyptian warplanes have bombed Islamist positions in the eastern Libyan city.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: rights lawyer joins detainee hunger strike

Rights lawyer and former presidential candidate Khaled Ali joined a hunger strike by dozens of Egyptians to demand the release of activists detained under the new anti-protest law.

North Africa

Libya: who bombed Tripoli?

Unidentified warplanes carried out air-strikes on targets controlled by Islamist militias in Tripoli. Libya said the planes were foreign, but the US, Italy and France denied involvement.