Nicaragua: indigenous groups challenge canal plan
Nicaraguan civil society groups in the Caribbean region have challenged plans by a Hong Kong company to build an interoceanic canal through the Central American country.
Nicaraguan civil society groups in the Caribbean region have challenged plans by a Hong Kong company to build an interoceanic canal through the Central American country.
After a lengthy dispute with global mega-firm AngloGold Ashanti, the people of the central Colombian town of Piedras passed a referendum to halt the company's operations.
Mapuche activists are occupying land, planning a march to protest the usurpation of their territory—and questioning the safety of Chile’s growing salmon farming industry.
The July 22 Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining, most widely observed in the Andean nations, also saw coordinated protests in NAFTA partners Mexico and Canada.
In an internationall coordinated day of action, campesinos and ecologists held protests in Peru, Chile and Argentina under the banner "No to mining, yes to life."
Indigenous Lenca communities continue their protests against the Agua Zarca dam; they accuse the army in the death of one protester and the wounding of his son.
Srinagar and other towns in India-administrated Jammu and Kashmir are under curfew following unrest over the killing of four protesters by the Border Security Forces.
As Ramadan opened, dozens of protesters were wounded in demonstrations across the occupied West Bank over settler confiscation of lands and waters.
Local residents in Sacatepéquez continue their six-year campaign against a cement processing plant, despite management’s effort to appease them with a Mayan ceremony.
National Police troops in Peru’s Cajamarca region opened fire on campesinos protesting the Chadín II hydro-electric project at the highland town of Celendín, wounding nine.
Carlos Vásquez Becerra, a campesino leader who opposed mining projects in Peru’s conflicted Cajamarca region, was found beaten to death in a canyon.
Well before the massive protests, many Brazilians were organizing against homophobia, the expropriation of indigenous lands, and the diversion of funds to sports events.