The Caribbean

Puerto Rico: ACLU may investigate rights situation

The American Civil Liberties Union has declared the civil and human rights situation in Puerto Rico a “high priority for the organization,” citing “repression against the student movement.”

The Caribbean

Haiti: US liberals push for Aristide’s return

Haiti’s immigration service has issued a diplomatic passport for former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who has lived in exile in South Africa since he was forced from office in 2004.

The Caribbean

Haiti: is the election runoff finally set?

Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) has announced its new schedule for the long-delayed runoffs for the presidency and for many legislative seats.

The Caribbean

Haiti: US pressures Préval, starts deporting

While media attention remains focused on the return of former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier to Haiti, disputes over the Nov. 28 presidential and legislative elections continue.

The Caribbean

Haiti: Duvalier is back —but why?

At a Haiti press conference, ex-dictator “Baby Doc” Duvalier expressed “profound sorrow” on behalf of his “compatriots who legitimately claim that they were victims” of his regime.