Hundreds killed in Ethiopia to quell Oromo protests
Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 since November, and arrested tens of thousands more, in efforts to quash protests in the Oromia region.
Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 since November, and arrested tens of thousands more, in efforts to quash protests in the Oromia region.
Independent sources say the ominous border clash was sparked when Eritrean troops shot at military deserters and an Ethiopia-backed armed opposition group returned fire.
A court in Senegal convicted Chad's former dictator Hissène Habré of crimes against humanity committed during his rule, and sentenced him to life imprisonment.
The Niger Delta Avengers struck four pipelines in three days, halting production at facilities operated by Chevron, Shell, Agip and Nigeria's state oil company.
Somalia has made a $1 million donation to the drought-hit breakaway region of Somaliland, ahead of controversial talks between the two sides to clarify their future relations.
Nearly 150, including 11 children, have died this year in Nigeria's military detention barracks, mostly due to starvation and dehydration, Amnesty International reports.
A new militant organization, the Niger Delta Avengers, has claimed a string of attacks on oil infrastructure, and issued communiques broaching secession from Nigeria.
Amid a referendum portrayed by Khartoum as a step toward peace, regime-backed militias unleash a new scorched-earth campaign in Darfur—reviving calls for US intervention.
A force of Ethiopian troops crossed into South Sudan to launch a joint offensive with the Juba government against ethnic Murle militia fighters who staged a bloody cross-border raid.
Russia is blocking release of an internal UN report that apparently shows how pro-government militias in Darfur are making some $54 million per year in gold mining.
A deadly blast on a pipeline in Nigeria's restive Delta region has raised fears that militants—pacified with an amnesty and pipeline protection contracts—are returning to arms.
Ethiopia has completely halted the flow of water into Somalia by closing the gates on irrigation dams along the Shabelle River—leaving dry a key agricultural region.