CounterVortex editor and chief blogger Bill Weinberg will speak at the Left Forum in New York City on June 2, at the panel "Has 'the Left' Accommodated Trump (and Putin)? A Debate." Tens of millions of Americans and people around the world have regarded Trump and Trumpism as exceptional threats that must be resisted tooth-and-nail. But some voices on the "left" have argued that anti-Trumpism is itself a problem, that concerns about Trumpism are a distraction from struggles against neoliberalism and imperialism, and/or that the left should reach out to Trump's anti-establishment and populist base. Who are the deluded ones here?
Other panelsists include Anne Jaclard of the Marxist-Humanist Initiative; Brendan Cooney of the Kapitalism 101 blog; Chris Cutrone of Platypus; and Daphne Lawless of FightBack, via Skype.
Saturday June 2, 4 PM
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 10th Avenue, New York
Room 1.77
Attendees must register with the Left Forum
Image: APhilosophicalEnquiry
Video of our panel on Trumpism at Left Forum
The video from the Marxist-Humanist Initiative panel at the Left Forum is now online. My talk, "Syria and Betrayal within the Anti-War Movement," begins at 52 minutes.