OK, thanks to a $100 donation from a reader in Queens, NY, our year-end fund drive has now reached $200. Our summer fund drive topped $500. Can we manage to raise that much a second time by year's end? If we do, CounterVortex will have succeeded in meeting a large chunk of our annual operating expenses for 2017. That's all we ask. If you have appreciated our rigorous reportage and ultra-dissident analysis over the past year, please give what you can. Donations of $50 each from six more readers would do it. If you can afford to help us and appreciate our work, please do it now while you are thinking about it…
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New York, NY 10002
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Sliding scale donation chart
PLEASE SUPPORT WHAT YOU VALUE! CounterVortex receives precisely NOTHING in foundation funding to meet our annual operating costs of over $1,000 (including hosting, registration and upkeep of our Family of Websites). We ask our readers to each give just once a year. Make a donation now, based on what you can afford. The handy chart below will help you determine what to give.
Minors, indigent and prisoners: FREE
Students, fixed-income and unemployed: $5
Working class Jane/Joe: $10
Professionals: $25
Professionals with health insurance: $50
Upwardly-mobile liberals: $75
Already-have-it-all liberals: $100
Just plain rich liberals: $200
Confused Republicans who like us because we're "anti-government": $500
Michael Moore: $5,000
Woody Harrelson: $50,000
Paul McCartney: $100,000
George Soros: That's OK, we don't want your money.
Here you go:
Reasons to support CounterVortex
CounterVortex is the only website on the contemporary American left that:
1.) offers daily rigorous coverage on under-reported wars around the world
2.) offers ongoing in-depth coverage of land and autonomy struggles worldwide
3.) offers a dissident "neither/nor" perspective on the Global War on Terrorism, supporting the secular-left forces in the Middle East in repudiation of the imperialists, dictators and jihadis alike.
Even if you don't agree with us all the time, we hope you recognize the value of our work and ultra-dissident voice, and will do your small part to help keep it alive.
Remember: We are 100% reader-supported!
Thank you!
Year-end fund drive drive reaches $220. Who’s next?
Thanks to a $20 donation from a reader in Long Island, NY, our year-end fund drive has reached $220. Our summer fund drive topped $500. Can we manage to raise that much a second time by year's end? If we do, CounterVortex will have succeeded in meeting a large chunk of our annual operating expenses for 2017. If you have appreciated our rigorous reportage and ultra-dissident analysis over the past year, please give what you can. Donations of $20 each from 14 more readers would do it. If you can afford to help us and appreciate our work, please do it now while you are thinking about it…