CounterVortex reader survey

This year marks the 15th since World War 4 Report (now CounterVortex) was launched in the immediate aftermath of 9-11 to monitor global conflicts; support anti-militarist movements and autonomy struggles; and give voice to dissident-left perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America and around the world. We continue to have a dedicated following, but an admittedly select one. We continue to wonder how many readers "get" what we do, and how valuable it is to you. We would appreciate any response, either by e-mail or commentary on the website, to this brief reader survey…

This year we're going to keep it very succinct.

1. Do you typically learn something new from CounterVortex each week—or get a perspective that challenges your conceptions of an issue and prompts you to grapple with it anew or rethink things?

If the answer is (honestly) NO, you have completed the survey. Let us know. If YES, proceed to the next question…

2. Do you find those new facts and perspectives worthwhile? Is CounterVortex providing a voice you consider to be vital or (at least) useful?

If the answer is NO, you have completed the survey. Let us know. If YES, proceed to the next question…

Have you made a donation to CounterVortex in the past 12 months?

If the answer is YES, you have completed the survey, and we heartily thank you for your support! If NO, proceed to the next question…

3. Are you currently indigent—meaning one or two paychecks away from eviction?

If the answer is YES, you have completed the survey, but we urge you to support our work in other ways, e.g. by sharing our links on social media and forwarding our weekly mailings to your contacts. If NO, read on…

PLEASE SUPPORT WHAT YOU VALUE! CounterVortex receives precisely NOTHING in foundation funding to meet our annual operating costs of nearly $2,000 (including hosting, registration and upkeep of our Family of Websites). Make a donation now to our Summer fund drive, based on what you can afford. The handy chart below will help you determine what to give.

Minors, indigent and prisoners: FREE
Students, fixed-income and unemployed: $5
Working class Jane/Joe: $10
Professionals with health insurance: $25
Trust-fund rads: $50
Upwardly-mobile liberals: $75
Already-have-it-all liberals: $100
Just plain rich liberals: $200
Confused Republicans who like us because we're "anti-government": $500
Michael Moore: $5,000
Woody Harrelson: $50,000
Paul McCartney: $100,000
George Soros: That's OK, we don't want your money.

Here you go:


Or send checks to:

39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002

Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.

Thank you!

now CounterVortex

  1. Summer fund drive stalls at $160β€” up to YOU to move it ahead!

    OK, thanks to readers in Queens, NY; Tokyo, Japan; Rutland, Vt.; Hyampom, Calif.; and Albuquerque, NM, our Summer Fund Drive tally now stands at $160! 

    Who's next?


  2. Summer fund drive stuck at $160β€” up to YOU to move it ahead!

    OK, thanks to readers in Queens, NY; Tokyo, Japan; Rutland, Vt.; Hyampom, Calif.; and Albuquerque, NM, our Summer Fund Drive tally now stands at $160! 

    Who's next?


  3. Summer fund drive still stuck at $160. Let’s jack it up by $40

    OK, thanks to readers in Queens, NY; Tokyo, Japan; Rutland, Vt.; Hyampom, Calif.; and Albuquerque, NM, our Summer Fund Drive tally now stands at $160. If we can just get it to $200, at least we will have made 10% of our annual operating expenses this year. Come on, then.

    Who's next?


  4. Summer fund drive breaks 200!

    OK, thanks to donations by readers in New York City and Austerlitz,  NY, our total now stands at $225. Let's keep it going, folks. If you appreciate our voice, please leave a tip. Even a little one.


  5. Last gasp for our Summer fund drive!

    OK, thanks to a donation from a reader in Nyack,  NY, our total now stands at $235. But we just had to pay our host about double this for another year of hosting and domain registration. Summer officially ends this week, and so does our fund drive. Will someone seize the moment to help us close the gap in our budget? A big donation of $165 so we can call it an even $400 for the fund drive would mean a great deal to us. But if you appreciate our voice, even a little tip would make a difference. Please do it now.


  6. Last gasp for our Summer fund drive!

    OK, thanks to a $30 donation from a reader in Marietta, Ga, our total now stands at $265. Summer officially ends this week, and so does our fund drive. Will someone seize the moment to help us close the gap in our budget? A big donation of $135 so we can call it an even $400 for the fund drive would mean a great deal to us. But if you appreciate our voice, even a little tip would make a difference. Please do it now.


  7. Big post-fund drive donation! Thank you!

    OK, thanks to a $150 donation from a reader in Oakland, Calif, our total now stands at $415. The summer fund drive is officially over, but we always need your support. Please give what you can.


  8. Another big post-fund drive donation! Thank you!

    OK, thanks to a $100 donation from our reader in Hyampom, Calif, our total now stands at $515. The summer fund drive is officially over, but we always need your support. Please give what you can.


  9. Another post-fund drive donation! Thank you!

    OK, thanks to a $50 donation from our reader in New York City, our total now stands at $565. The summer fund drive is officially over, but we always need your support. We especially need it now, as your editor is about to leave on assignment in Peru, where he will hopefully be posting some updates from the road. Please give what you can.