CounterVortex will be on hiatus through mid-November, as your editor Bill Weinberg will be traveling in Peru, gathering material on indigenous and campesino struggles against corporate land-grabs for oil and mineral exploitation. He may post some material from the road. But we will resume regular updates to the Daily Report and our weekly headline e-mails upon his return. We thank our readers for your continued support, and urge you to give what you can to sustain our efforts. We promise to be back in full swing within 30 days.
Or send checks to:
39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002
Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.
Thank you!
Note: If you wish to be added to our weekly headlines list, please send e-mail to: feedback (at) countervortex (dot) org
We never share addresses with anyobody else, and we never send more than one mailing per week. Just one e-mail with all the week's linked headlines from CounterVortex.
Please support our year-end fund drive
OK, thanks to a $50 donation from a reader in Brooklyn, New York, our year-end fund drive is off to a good start. Our summer fund drive topped $500. Can we manage to raise that much by year's end? If we do, CounterVortex will have succeeded in meeting a large chunk of our annual operating expenses for 2017. That's all we ask. If you have appreciated our rigorous reportage and ultra-dissident analysis over the past year, please give what you can. Donations of $50 each from 10 readers would do it. If you can afford that and appreciate our work, please do it now while you are thinking about it…
Or send checks to:
39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002
Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.
Thank you!
Year-end fund drive breaks $100. Who’s next?
OK, thanks to a $50 donation from a reader in Austerlitz, NY, our year-end fund drive has now reached $100. Our summer fund drive topped $500. Can we manage to raise that much by year's end? If we do, CounterVortex will have succeeded in meeting a large chunk of our annual operating expenses for 2017. That's all we ask. If you have appreciated our rigorous reportage and ultra-dissident analysis over the past year, please give what you can. Donations of $50 each from 10 readers would do it. Two down, eight to go. If you can afford $50 and appreciate our work, please do it now while you are thinking about it…
Or send checks to:
39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002
Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.
Thank you!
Year-end fund drive reaches $200. Who’s next?
OK, thanks to a $100 donation from a reader in Queens, NY, our year-end fund drive has now reached $200. Our summer fund drive topped $500. Can we manage to raise that much by year's end? If we do, CounterVortex will have succeeded in meeting a large chunk of our annual operating expenses for 2017. That's all we ask. If you have appreciated our rigorous reportage and ultra-dissident analysis over the past year, please give what you can. Donations of $50 each from six more readers would do it. If you can afford to help us and appreciate our work, please do it now while you are thinking about it…
Or send checks to:
39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002
Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.
Thank you!