By a vote of 13 to two, the International Court of Justice at The Hague ruled March 16 that Russia “shall immediately suspend…military operations” in Ukraine. The two dissenting votes were from ICJ Vice President Kirill Gevorgian of Russia and Judge Xue Hanqin of China. The court’s ruling is in response to a suit filed by Ukraine on Feb. 27, accusing Russia of manipulating the concept of “genocide” to justify its military aggression. Although the ICJ’s verdicts are binding, the court has no direct means of enforcing them.
Russia chose not to participate in oral proceedings, but later presented a document setting out its position that the ICJ lacks jurisdiction in the case. In delivering the ruling, the ICJ president, Joan Donoghue of the United States, outlined the necessary conditions that were met to give the court authority. She especially stressed that Ukraine’s assertions are plausible, and the condition of urgency was met in that acts causing irreparable harm can “occur at any moment.”
“Attacks are ongoing and are creating increasingly difficult living conditions for the civilian population,” Donoghue stated. “Many persons have no access to the most basic foodstuffs, potable water, electricity, essential medicines or heating. A very large number of people are attempting to flee from the most affected cities under extremely insecure conditions.” (UN News)
Photo of Ukrainian delegation at hearings: UN News
Russia emulates US imperialism
1986: US defies World Court
2004: Israel defies World Court
Russia stands with US imperialism and Zionism in placing its imperial and expansionist ambitions above the rule of law.
Ukraine civilian death toll rises
The death toll in Ukraine continues to rise by the day. The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) posted an update March 18 noting over 2100 civilian casualties in Ukraine. (Jurist)
UNGA adopts resolution on Ukraine
The UN General Assembly on March 24 adopted a resolution deploring the “humanitarian consequences” of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, with 140 countries voting in favor and five against—Russia, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea and North Korea. A total of 38 countries abstained, including China and India. (ANI, Al Jazeera)
The Security Council the previous day overwhelmingly defeated a Russian resolution that acknowledged Ukraine’s growing humanitarian needs—but didn’t mention the Russian invasion that caused the escalating crisis. (PBS)
Ukraine civilian death toll rises
The UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) updated its report of confirmed civilian casualties in the conflict in Ukraine. Covering the period from Feb. 24 to March 24, the report places civilian casualties at 2,788. This figure includes 1,081 killed and 1,707 injured. The report further breaks down the number according to age, gender, and region, finding that some 213 children have been casualties of the conflict. (Jurist)
Ukraine civilian death toll rises
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on March 27 confirmed that there have been 2,909 civilian casualties in Ukraine since Russia invaded the country on Feb. 24. Of these 1,119 have been killed and 1,790 injured.
According to the report, most of the civilian casualties resulted from “the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multi-launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes.” (Jurist)