Nazi nostalgia in Lviv —or is that Lemberg?
Hundreds marched in Lviv to mark the anniversary of the formation of a Ukrainian SS division, which fought for the Nazis against the Soviet Union during World War II.
Hundreds marched in Lviv to mark the anniversary of the formation of a Ukrainian SS division, which fought for the Nazis against the Soviet Union during World War II.
Ukraine's anarcho-syndicalist Autonomous Workers' Union has issued a "Statement on the Odessa Tragedy," caling the horrific violence there a "clash of right-wing combatants."
In Ukraine's eastern region of Transcarpathia, ethnic Hungarians and Ruthenians are agitating for autonomy, with the encouragement of Moscow and Budapest.
With the open encouragement of Putin, separatists in eastern Ukraine are reviving the concept of "Novorossiya" (New Russia)—a dangerous precedent for revanchist claims.
A Czech-based Roma website cites reports of an armed attack on Roma homes in the eastern Ukraine town of Slavyansk by pro-Russian separatists.
As Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk warns of "World War III," Moscow and Kiev mass troops on their shared border, and the US sends more forces to the Baltics.
Leaflets distributed in the east Ukrainian city of Donetsk, now under occupation by pro-Russian separatists, order Jews to register with the authorities. Real or provocation?
Some 10,000 people turned out in Moscow for an anti-Kremlin "March of Truth" to denounce Russian state television's coverage of the Ukraine crisis.
Protesters seized government buildings in Ukraine's east, declaring the Donbas region to be a "people's republic" and calling for a referendum on union with Russia.
As the US deploys warships to the Black Sea for NATO exercises, Ukraine approved a NATO force to be stationed in the country. Russian troops meanwhile mass on Ukraine's borders.
An inquiry by the interim Ukrainian government implicated members of the special Berkut riot police in the deaths of 76 anti-government protesters in Kiev in February.
The Majilis of Crimean Tatars voted to seek "a national autonomous territory" on the peninsula, with leaders calling on their people to stay and fight for their rights.