Watching the Shadows

US transfers 15 Guantánamo detainees to UAE

The US Defense Department announced the transfer of 15 Guantánamo detainees to the United Arab Emirates—the largest transfer so far, sparking Republican criticism.


Mining fuels renewed Darfur conflict

Russia is blocking release of an internal UN report that apparently shows how pro-government militias in Darfur are making some $54 million per year in gold mining.

Greater Middle East

Bahrain court convicts 11 of attack on police

A Bahraini court found 11 Shi'ities guilty  of a attack carried out last year and sentenced three to death. The others received life in prison and will be stripped of their citizenship.


Europe: destroying freedom to save it

At thier meeting in Paris to condemn the attack on Charlie Hebdo, European Union government ministers issued a statement calling for further restrictions on the Internet.

North Africa

Egypt bombs Libya —again?

Amid fierece fighting in Benghazi, AP cites unnamed "officials" as saying Egyptian warplanes have bombed Islamist positions in the eastern Libyan city.


First US air-strikes on ISIS targets in Syria

Warplanes flying from the USS George HW Bush carried out the first US air-strikes against ISIS targets in Syria, with planes from five Arab countries also participating in the raids.

North Africa

Libya: who bombed Tripoli?

Unidentified warplanes carried out air-strikes on targets controlled by Islamist militias in Tripoli. Libya said the planes were foreign, but the US, Italy and France denied involvement.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: jihad against feloul?

With Field Marshal al-Sisi consolidating his rule in alliance with Mubarak-era "left-overs," a Qaedist insurgency is rapidly spreading from the Sinai to the rest of Egypt.

Greater Middle East

UAE court sentences 69 activists in coup plot

A United Arab Emirates court gave sentences of up to 15 years in prison to 69 academics, lawyers and other professionals who are among 94 on trial for planning an Islamist coup.