North Africa

ICC hears first case on cultural crimes

The International Criminal Court opened its case against captured militant Ahmad al-Mahdi for destruction of religious and cultural heritage during the jihadist occupation of Timbuktu.


Forgotten history: Muslims who sheltered Jews

The group "I Am Your Protector" marked Holocaust Memorial Day by celebrating the often forgotten stories of Muslims who helped Jews to survive during the Nazi genocide.


Cameroonians between army and Boko Haram

As Boko Haram continues its campaign of suicide attacks in northern Cameroon, the army is enforcing a "free-fire zone" along the Nigerian border, claiming still more local lives.


Pakistani Taliban in university massacre

Taliban militants attacked a student poetry recital in honor of Pashtun independence hero Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan at a university that bears his name, leaving 20 dead.


Iran, Saudi Arabia wage execution war

Violent protests in Iran against Saudi Arabia's execution of a dissident Shi'ite cleric come as the Islamic Republic is itself preparing a mass execution of Sunni political prisoners.

Greater Middle East

Health concerns for imprisoned Saudi blogger

Imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi—winner of the EU's Sakharov Prize—has suffered fainting spells and deteriorating health owing to his lengthy hunger strike.