Southeast Asia

Vietnam: protests over massive fish deaths

Hanoi saw a rare public protest as hundreds demonstrated against a Taiwanese firm they accuse of causing mass fish deaths along 120 miles of Vietnam's central coast.

Southeast Asia

Mindanao: deadly clash with ISIS forces

At least 18 Philippine soldiers and five militants were killed in a 10-hour fire-fight with the ISIS-loyal Abu Sayyaf group on the conflicted southern island of Mindanao.

Southeast Asia

Mindanao: toward sectarian war

In a series of Christmas eve attacks, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters killed several Christian peasants in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao.

Southeast Asia

Burma: will ceasefire wind down opium war?

Burma’s regime signs a "national ceasefire" with ethnic rebels in the opium-producing north ahead of historic elections—but the biggest rebel armies didn’t sign on.

Southeast Asia

Hague to rule in South China Sea dispute

Amid US brinkmanship in the South China Sea, a UN arbitration court agreed to hear the Philippines' challenge of Beijing's territorial claims.