Planet Watch

Police repression at Dakota Access protest camp

More than 140 were arrested as over 300 riot police backed up with armored vehicles and helicopters cleared the camp erected to block construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Planet Watch

Mohawk band forms indigenous legal system

The Mohawk band council of Akwesasne introduced its own legal system independent of Canada's federal system, marking the first such indigenous judiciary in the country.

Planet Watch

ICC to prosecute environmental crimes

The International Criminal Court released a policy document calling for prosecution of individuals for atrocities committed by destroying the environment.

Planet Watch

Lakota protesters block pipeline construction

Native Americans, ranchers and farmers  launched a blockade of a highway in North Dakota to bar crews from reaching the construction site of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Planet Watch

Canada: court blocks Northern Gateway pipeline

Canada's Federal Court of Appeal overturned approval of Enbridge energy company's Northern Gateway pipeline that would link Alberta's oil sands to British Columbia's coast.

Planet Watch

A ‘New Oil Order’?

Experts declare a "new oil order" in which hydrocarbons will lose market share to renewables. But is it market conditions or geopolitics that explain the current price slump?