The Andes

Colombia: FARC disarmament process begins

Under UN oversight, the FARC guerillas began the process of turning over their weapons at the 26 "transitional camps" established for the purpose around the country.


Can Assad (and Putin) reconquer all Syria?

Trump dramatically steps up US air-strikes along the Syrian border in Iraq, as Russia pitches the Kurds and Syrian rebels on a peace deal that will allow Assad to remain in power.

The Andes

Colombia: FARC amnesty law approved

Colombia's Congress approved an amnesty law as part of the peace process, protecting guerilla fighters from prosecution over most crimes related to the conflict.

The Andes

FARC demobilization back on after court ruling

Colombia's Constitutional Court approved the government's plan for "fast track" authority to expedite congressional approval of terms for a peace deal with the FARC rebels.

The Andes

Colombia: FARC peace agreement takes effect

With Colombia's Congress voting to approve the revised peace accord with the FARC rebels, the country is on a countdown to the full demobilization of the guerilla army.