
Mexico: Cananea toxic spills continue

Long favored by the Mexican government, Grupo México is becoming a major embarrassment as its biggest mine persists in polluting the Sonora River.

The Andes

Peru: deadly repression of pipeline protests

A 16-year-old protester was shot dead by National Police troops at Santa Teresa village in Cuzco region, during a protest against construction of a gas pipeline  through local lands.


Sonora: mining threatens disappearing waters

Water was cut off to the capital of Mexico's Sonora state after a toxic spill at a mine turned a river orange—as Yaqui Indians protest theft of their waters by a new aqueduct.

The Caribbean

Haiti: opposition grows to mega-mining

The World Bank is pushing for the exploitation of northern Haiti's supposed $20 billion worth of gold, copper and silver. Activists are asking where the profits would go.

The Andes

Cajamarca: police attack campesino community

National Police troops attacked local residents of El Lirio village in Peru's Cajamarca region after they blocked mining company vehicles that attempted to enter their lands.

The Andes

Colombia: security workers blockade coal mine

Workers from the Sepecol security firm blocked the rail line leading to the mammoth Cerrejón coal mine in northeastern Colombia for seven days over a contract dispute.