The Andes

Colombia: popular power defeats mega-mining

Mining multinational AngloGold Ashanti announced it will abandon its planned mega-project at La Colosa, Colombia, following a popular vote by local residents to reject the project.

The Amazon

Ecuador: drones deployed in Amazon stand-off

Ecuador's government has deployed drones and helicopters to the Amazon village of El Tink, where indigenous residents are blocking roads in a dispute over a mining project.

The Andes

FARC narco-factions refuse to lay down arms

FARC leaders admit that five regional commanders—those most co-opted by the narco trade—are refusing to lay down arms, and have been expelled from the movement.

The Andes

Ecuador: ecology group ordered closed

Ecuador's government ordered Quito-based activist group Acción Ecológica closed amid a wave of repression against indigenous anti-mining protesters in the Amazon.

Central Asia

Tibet: climate struggle frontline

Climate change is found to blame for a massive avalanche that killed nine yak-herders in Tibet, as indigenous resistance continues to China's extractive agenda for the region.