
Fatah under attack over statehood proposal

A Hamas leader said that the draft resolution for Palestinian statehood presented to the UN Security Council is "disastrous," and has "no future in the land of Palestine."

Central America

Honduras: campesino leader murdered in Aguán

The violence against campesinos in northern Honduras isn't letting up. After at least one previous attempt, enemies have killed a leader in the campesino struggle to regain land.

Southeast Asia

Philippines: justice deferred in 2004 massacre

A decade after striking workers were massacred at Hacienda Luisita in Central Luzon, nobody has been brought to justice. Survivors now demand resignation of President Aquino.

Central America

Nicaragua: opposition mounts to canal scheme

With work about to begin on an inter-oceanic canal through Nicaragua, campesinos who stand to be evicted for the mega-scheme pledge resistance and warn of a "massacre."

Southern Cone

Chile: local Mapuche leader murdered

Unknown assailants killed a spokesperson for a Mapuche community that has carried out several land occupations. He was the second activist from his family to die violently.

The Andes

Peru: one dead in Cajamarca eviction

The police eviction of a family in a working-class district of Peru's northern city of Cajamarca sparked a local uprising that left one man dead and 10 neighborhood residents detained.