Israel bombs Gaza; Amnesty accuses Hamas
As Israel launches new air-strikes on the Gaza Strip in response to a cross-border rocket, an Amnesty International report accuses Hamas of killing and torturing dissidents.
As Israel launches new air-strikes on the Gaza Strip in response to a cross-border rocket, an Amnesty International report accuses Hamas of killing and torturing dissidents.
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation talks concluded at the UN without approving a final document—due to US blocking of a provision on creating a Middle East nuclear-free zone.
A military court in Israel ordered Palestinian lawmaker Khalida Jarrar be released on bail following her arrest for defying Israeli-imposed restrictions on her movement.
Separate Israeli Supreme Court decisions open the way for authorities to forcibly evict residents of two Arab villages—one on the West Bank, and one in the Negev.
Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan continues his open hunger-strike that he started 12 days ago, demanding an end to his administrative detention by Israel.
Several Palestinians including a journalist were injured when Israeli forces opened fire on a march in the eastern Nablus village of Huwwara commemorating the Nakba.
The growing consensus in Israel for a Jewish-supremacist state and genocidal solution to the Palestinian question is further consolidated in the new far-right coalition.
Netanyahu's speech before Congress was mostly controversial over its perceived meddling in US politics—not its incessant barrage of lies, distortions and double standards.
Extremist Jewish settlers set fire to a mosque in the southern West Bank, as the Israel Electric Corporation cut power to Nablus and Jenin over a supposed debt arrears.
Hundreds of Palestinians were evacuated amid Gaza Strip flooding. Hamas authorities say Israel intentionally opened dams to flood the territory. Israel denies the dams exist.
Hundreds of residents and environmentalists protested in the occupied Golan Heights as exploratory oil drilling was initiated by US-owned Afek Oil & Gas.
Raed Jihad Abu Rmeila, a photographer for the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem was injured after being hit by an Israeli settler vehicle in Hebron.