
Israel bombs Gaza; Amnesty accuses Hamas

As Israel launches new air-strikes on the Gaza Strip in response to a cross-border rocket, an Amnesty International report accuses Hamas of killing and torturing dissidents.


Israel: toward Zio-fascism

The growing consensus in Israel for a Jewish-supremacist state and genocidal solution to the Palestinian question is further consolidated in the new far-right coalition.


Netanyahu’s doublethink

Netanyahu's speech before Congress was mostly controversial over its perceived meddling in US politics—not its incessant barrage of lies, distortions and double standards.


Settlers burn mosque amid West Bank blackouts

Extremist Jewish settlers set fire to a mosque in the southern West Bank, as the Israel Electric Corporation cut power to Nablus and Jenin over a supposed debt arrears.


Israel behind Gaza flooding?

Hundreds of Palestinians were evacuated amid Gaza Strip flooding. Hamas authorities say Israel intentionally opened dams to flood the territory. Israel denies the dams exist.