Bibi’s Holocaust revisionism: media complicit?
The New York Times, in its coverage of Bibi Netanyahu's fictional claims about the Holocaust originating with the Mufti of Jerusalem, gives undue weight to the theory's few proponents.
The New York Times, in its coverage of Bibi Netanyahu's fictional claims about the Holocaust originating with the Mufti of Jerusalem, gives undue weight to the theory's few proponents.
In another step towards a genocidal solution to the Palestinian question, an Israeli defense official threatened to "begin deporting the families of terrorists to the Gaza Strip."
Israel carried out air-strikes on the Gaza Strip in response to a rocket attack from the territory—said to have been claimed by a faction that has pledged loyalty to ISIS.
Hundreds of Israeli settlers rioted across the West Bank, with multiple attacks reported on Palestinian homes and vehicles in the aftermath of a shooting that killed two settlers.
Israeli forces entered the al-Aqsa Mosque, using tear-gas and rubber bullets on worshippers in a third straight day of violent clashes at the third holiest site in Islam.
Thousands of Palestinians took part in the funeral of Riham Dawabsha, 27, who died after succumbing to wounds she sustained in a "price tag" arson attack in Nablus.
Palestinians at the Christian town of Beit Jala clashed with Israeli forces following Sunday mass when residents, including priests, marched to protest work on the "separation wall."
Two months after formally recognizing Palestine, the Vatican objected to a Palestinian request for the two observer states to be allowed to raise their flags at UN headquarters.
A partial ceasefire in Syria was brokered by the great regional enemies Turkey and Iran—and may signal the division of the country into "spheres of influence."
Despite early pledges to seek a nuclear-free world, Obama is launching a "modernization" of the US arsenal that actually makes atomic war more likely.
Violence was reported across the West Bank and Jerusalem, as Palestinians protested the "price tag" killing of an 18-month-old infant in Duma, near Nablus.
With his own country in turmoil, Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias spoke in Jerusalem of developing an "axis of security" made up of Greece, Cyprus and Israel.