
ISIS advances on Kobani —and Baghdad

Turkish troops opened fire on Kurdish refugees attempting to flee the tightening ISIS siege of Kobani in northern Syria, as ISIS forces advanced within 40 kilometers of Baghdad.


Syria: first US air-strikes on ISIS at Kobani

The US-led coalition launched its first air-strikes targeting ISIS positions outside the besieged Kurdish town of Kobani, where PKK fighters are holding out against the jihadists.


First US air-strikes on ISIS targets in Syria

Warplanes flying from the USS George HW Bush carried out the first US air-strikes against ISIS targets in Syria, with planes from five Arab countries also participating in the raids.


Syria: ISIS-besieged Kurds appeal for aid

The Kurdish town of Kobani is holding out against a dramatic ISIS advance into Syrian territory, and local leaders are calling for a pan-Kurdish mobilization for the town's defense.


ISIS blows up birthplace of Saladin

ISIS militants destroyed the Citadel of Tikrit, birthplace of Saladin and one of Iraq's most important archeological sites. The jihadists meanwhile seized several Syrian towns.


Low oil price: calm before the storm?

The new Iraq crisis sparked a brief oil shock, but prices have since stabilized. We are told this is due to the North American energy boom—but are prices set to surge again?


China factor in the fight against ISIS

China's participation in the Paris summit on building an international effort against ISIS comes as Uighur militants were detained on suspicion of recruiting for the "Islamic State."


ISIS burns Syrian cannabis fields

The farmers of northern Syria have been forced to grow cannabis, with all other economic activity disrupted by war. Now they face harsh privation as ISIS burns the cannabis fields.