Greater Middle East

Bahrain: protests against British base deal

Protests were held in the Bahraini island city of Sitra against an agreement signed between the kingdom and Great Britain to establish a new military base in the Persian Gulf state.

The Andes

Hezbollah operative busted in Peru: police

Peru's special anti-terrorist force announced the arrest of a Hezbollah operative who was supposedly planning to carry out attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets.

Greater Middle East

US warns Lebanon over Iranian military aid

As Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a border attack that wounded two Israeli soldiers, the US threatened to cut off military aid to Lebanon if it accepts arms from Iran.


ISIS: will US intervention fuel sectarian war?

If Washington is perceived as leading an alliance that includes Iran and Hezbollah, this will augment the propaganda assistance loaned to ISIS with every US missile that falls.

Greater Middle East

Lebanon, Golan Heights at stake in Syria conflict

A suicide blast hit Lebanon's Bekaa Valley after Hezbollah fighters took a Syrian border town. Meanwhile, a Syrian opposition figure broaches selling the Golan for Israeli military aid.

Greater Middle East

Lebanon: army seizes strife-torn Tripoli

​Lebanon's government has ordered the coastal city of Tripoli placed under army control amid growing sectarian clashes pitting Sunni residents against Alawites.

Greater Middle East

Israel bombs Syria —again

The Israel Air Force was reportedly responsible for an attack on a military base in the Syrian city of Latakia, targeting a Russian missile shipment bound for Hezbollah.

Greater Middle East

NYC: Syrians march against Bashar Assad

New York area Syrians came out for a "Rally to Stop Assad's War on Syria" near Times Square. Placards read: "GLOBAL SILENCE IS THE CAUSE OF ATROCITIES IN SYRIA."