Indigenous role seen in FARC demobilization
Leaders of Colombia's indigenous peoples have volunteered to have their autonomous authorities oversee the controversial "demobilization zones" for FARC fighters.
Leaders of Colombia's indigenous peoples have volunteered to have their autonomous authorities oversee the controversial "demobilization zones" for FARC fighters.
At their White House meeting, Obama and Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos proposed a "Marshall Plan" for the post-conflict era, to be dubbed "Peace Colombia."
Amid concerns over impunity for past atrocities in Colombia's peace process, cases are pending against fighters from the FARC, national army and paramilitaries alike.
Colombia's government says it hopes to extend the peace process to the ELN guerillas—and claims to have identified the remains of their revered founder, Camilo Torres.
President Juan Manuel Santos meets at the White House with Barack Obama to mark 15 years since the initiation of the Plan Colombia—and discuss a "post-conflict" aid package.
As the war between the Colombian state and the FARC guerillas winds down, conflict is escalating with right-wing paramilitaries in the north, leaving hundreds displaced.
Colombian prosecutors say they will seek to charge some 1,500 civilians with conflict-related crimes allegedly committed by guerilla groups like the FARC as part of any peace deal.
At a public ceremony in the Colombian town of Segovia, the government formally acknowledged responsibility in the 1988 massacre of 43 residents by paramilitaries.
Human Rights Watch rejected a "transitional justice" deal between Colombia's government and FARC rebels, claiming it "sacrifices victims' right to justice."
Colombia is seeking extradition of an alleged former FARC medic arrested in Spain on charges of having carried out hundreds of forced abortions on female guerilla fighters.
Colombia's House of Representatives agreed to hold a plebiscite to approve a peace deal with the FARC—in spite of vociferous opposition by conservatives.
The Transnational Drug Trafficking Act, now before the US Congress, could derail Colombia's peace process by bringing criminal charges against thousands of peasants.