Greater Middle East

Egypt: high court suspends work in face of protests

Egypt’s Supreme Court indefinitely halted its operations amid pressure from protestors aiming to block the judges from ruling on the validity of the country’s new constitution.


Gaza truce announced; bombing continues

Israel launched new air-strikes across the Gaza Strip, even as Egypt’s foreign minister Mohamed Kamel Amr announced a ceasefire to end eight days of violence. 


Egypt holds four-way talks on Gaza violence

Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi announced that emergency talks are progressing toward a ceasefire in the recent escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel. 


Israel launches new assault on Gaza

Israel’s armed forces launched multiple air-strikes across the Gaza Strip, after killing Ahmad al-Jaabari, the head of Hamas’ military wing the Qassam Brigades.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: independent unions under attack

Egypt’s new government has launched the most serious set of attacks on workers’ rights since the days of Mubarak, with several activists sacked or prosecuted for organizing.

Greater Middle East

Jihad against the phantom menace hits Sinai

The jihad against a non-existent “film” produced by non-existent “Jews” continues to claim lives, with the latest attack launched by militants in Egypt’s Sinai on Israeli border troops.


From Afghanistan to Tunisia: back to GWOT?

Both imperialism and political Islam see in the current crisis the opportunity to revive the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT—and reverse the gains of the Arab Spring.

Greater Middle East

Will provocateur film derail Arab Spring?

In the wave of protest over a provocateur-produced "film" dissing the Prophet Mohammed, jihadists could be seizing back the initiative from secular revolutionaries in the Arab world.