North Africa

Moroccan villagers occupy silver mine

Berber villagers in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco are blocking operations of the Imiter Mettalurgic Mining Company—whose principal owner is King Mohammed VI.


South Africa: two dead in water riots

Two were killed as South African police fired on protesters at the townships of Mothotlung and Damonsville, where residents are angry at having been without water for a week.

Southern Cone

Chile: Mapuche environmental activist dies

Chilean indigenous activist Nicolasa Quintreman apparently drowned after falling into the reservoir of the dam whose construction she protested for 10 years.

Central America

Panama, Nicaragua canal plans stalled

Amid multiple legal challenges, Nicaragua's interoceanic canal project could be delayed for a year, while the rival Panama Canal expansion faces massive cost overruns.

The Andes

Cajamarca: Conga occupation not moved

Campesinos in Peru’s Cajamarca region announced a new cross-country march that will bring hundreds of new protesters to the occupation camp at the Conga mine site.

The Andes

Cuzco: unrest over water mega-diversion

National Police clashed with villagers at Espinar province in Cuzco, as residents declared a "war footing" to halt construction of the Majes Siguas II irrigation mega-project.