Chile: HidroAysén dam project is scrapped
Years of protests have succeeded in blocking a giant dam project in southern Chile, but Barrick Gold is still working to reopen construction at its mammoth Pascua Lama mine.
Years of protests have succeeded in blocking a giant dam project in southern Chile, but Barrick Gold is still working to reopen construction at its mammoth Pascua Lama mine.
Mexico City officials say a village's spring will be tapped to supply water to neighboring areas, but residents suspect their drinking water will be diverted to a shopping mall.
A new report counts 412 hydro-electric dams to be built across the Amazon basin and its headwaters, portending the “end of free-flowing rivers” and potential “ecosystem collapse.”
While claiming to withdraw troops from Ukriane's borders, Russia conducted military maneuvers that included nuclear missile tests—as NATO sends a special delegation to Kiev.
Indigenous opponents of two hydroelectric projects in Guatemala's highlands are under attack from paramilitaries, as repression increases throughout the society.
Environmentalists accuse a former interior minister of diverting water illegally to his farming operations—so a local court punishes the environmentalists.
Popular organizations in south-central Mexico announced protests to demand the liberation of three campesinos detained in connection with opposition to a new gas pipeline.
As Brazilians mark the 50th anniversary of a military coup, US documents show that plans for the action had the strong support of the liberal Kennedy administration.
Panama's mega-scale Barro Blanco dam is now 64% complete, but the indigenous Ngöbe-Buglé haven't given up their fight against the project.
Does the leaked YouTube video reveal that Turkey's intelligence establishment was planning a "false flag" attack on the revered grave of an medieval sultan in Syria?
Peru's Energy and Mines Minister Eleodoro Mayorga said the government is considering dropping the requirement for environmental impact studies of oil exploration projects.
Latin America has a new country: Greenpeace Chile plans to maintain an independent nation in the glacial regions until Chile finally passes laws protecting the glaciers.