
Bill Weinberg explains the origins of ISIS

Bill Weinberg rants against the conspiranoid notion that the US intentionally created ISIS, dismissed as a "fairy tale" by progressive supporters of the Syrian Revolution.

Greater Middle East

Is US really backing Syrian rebels?

"Left" media continue to portray a massive US program of support for the Syrian rebels to destabilize Bashar Assad—in spite of the utter baselessness of this thesis.

Watching the Shadows

Propaganda and the dystopia of social media

Bill Weinberg rants against the totalizing propaganda environment of social media, destroying our ability to think, analyze and access information outside a "confirmation bias" bubble.


Russia and Ukraine on war footing

Ukraine’s armed forces are on high alert and “full combat readiness” while Russia announced it has deployed long-range missile systems in annexed Crimea.

North America

Repudiate pro-fascist Green Party!

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein announced her running mate as Ajamu Baraka—an avid propagandist for the genocidal dictatorship of Syria's Bashar Assad.

Greater Middle East

Syria and moral double standards

By maintaining silence on Assad regime and Russian aerial terror in Syria—or even seeking to justify it—the Western left squanders its credibility to protest US war crimes.

Greater Middle East

Syria: world betrays Aleppo (of course)

As Assad regime and Russian air-strikes continue on the beseiged populace of Aleppo, media in the West increasingly echo regime propaganda of justified "counter-attacks."

Greater Middle East

Syria: whose side is Israel on?

The Israeli security establishment and its neocon allies are divided between those who would destabilize Assad and those who would prop him with up as the Devil they know.