Central America

Guatemala grapples with opium boom

Guatemala has emerged as a major opium producer in recent years, and President Otto Pérez Molina is now considering legalized and regulated cultivation.

Central America

Costa Rica: the next narco-state?

Unprecedented cocaine raids across Costa Rica point to the Central American country emerging as a key hub in the hemispheric narco-trade.

Central America

Panama, Nicaragua canal plans stalled

Amid multiple legal challenges, Nicaragua's interoceanic canal project could be delayed for a year, while the rival Panama Canal expansion faces massive cost overruns.

Central America

Honduras: pre-election repression continues

A new report finds that the center-left LIBRE party has suffered more attacks and killings than all other political parties combined—and the violence continues.

Central America

Panama ups ante in Nicaragua canal race

The current expansion of the Panama Canal will accommodate 90% of the world's 370-vessel liquified natural gas fleet—a new bid to undermine Nicaragua's canal plans.