The Caribbean

Haiti: neoliberal cabal will “advise” on economic policy

Haitian president Michel Martelly announced the formation of an advisory council for economic development that will “remove the brakes” on foreign investment—and ensure a continued role for Bill Clinton as de facto “governor” of Haiti.

The Caribbean

Puerto Rico: who’s playing dirty tricks on Macheteros?

A former member of the Macheteros Puerto Rican rebel group charges that US agents planted an electronic device in his car. The Macheteros meanwhile disavowed a letter sent in their name with a supposed chemical substance to Puerto Rico’s capitol building.

The Caribbean

Haiti: video implicates UN troops in sex abuse

Some of the 1,100 Uruguayan troops in the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) may face repatriation following release of a video that appears to show the sexual abuse of a Haitian youth at a military base.

The Caribbean

Jamaica: shock in Kingston as Dudus Coke cuts deal

Residents of Kington’s poor district of Tivoli Gardens reacted with shock and disbelief to the news that extradited kingpin Christopher “Dudus” Coke arranged a plea bargain at US District Court in Manhattan—after the manhunt for him cost scores of lives.

The Caribbean

Haiti: genome study confirms UN troops brought cholera

A comparison of the whole genomes of cholera bacteria found in Haiti and in Nepal proves nearly conclusively that Nepalese UN “peacekeepers” were the inadvertent cause of a cholera outbreak that has killed more than 6,000 Haitians.

The Caribbean

Cuba high court upholds US contractor’s 15-year sentence

The supreme court of Cuba upheld a 15-year sentence for Alan Gross, a US citizen, accused of using his contract work to establish Internet access for Havana’s Jewish community as a cover to foment social-network protests.

The Caribbean

Puerto Rico: opposition mounts to gas pipeline

Activity in the US Congress reflects growing environmentalist opposition to a $450 million pipeline which would carry imported natural gas from the southwest coast to a place near San Juan on the north coast.

The Caribbean

Dominican Republic: at least three die in general strike

A 24-hour national general strike against the economic policies of Dominican president Leonel Fernández was “95 to 100%” effective, according to the organizers. But there was significant violence, with at least three people reported killed.

The Caribbean

Haiti: fertile land seized for new sweatshop zone

Villagers in northeastern Haiti say they were never consulted or even warned about plans to build a huge new industrial park on land where many of them have been farming for some 20 years.