A Libyan appeals court on Aug. 15 sentenced 45 former pro-Qaddafi militiamen to death by firing squad for their involvement in murders that occurred during the 2011 uprising. The defendants were accused of opening fire on a crowd of demonstrators calling for the end of Moammar Qaddafi's regime in the Abu Salim district of Tripoli, the nation's capital. An additional 54 people were handed five-year prison sentences, and 22 of the militiamen were acquitted. According to the Ministry of Justice, the president, members of the court and victims were present at the sentencing. These are the first death sentences given by the Tripoli Court of Appeals since Saif al-Islam Qaddafi was sentenced to be hanged in 2015.
From Jurist, Aug. 16. Used with permission.
Note: The Abu Salim massacre was part of the wave of repression that tipped Libya into civil war in February 2011. Saif al-Islam Qaddafi, despite being sentenced to death, was released by the militia that was holding him last year. He remains at large, and recently announced that he will run for president. He continues to be wanted by the International Criminal Court.
Photo: 2011 protests in Libya via WikiMedia Commons