Central America

Feminist, humanitarian groups raided in El Salvador

Agents of El Salvador’s FiscalĂ­a, backed up by police troops, raided seven non-governmental organizations, ostensibly on the grounds of investigating “corruption.” The Salvadoran popular movement describes the raids as the latest in an escalating campaign of political persecution by President Nayib Bukele against voices critical of the regime. Among the groups targeted were Las MĂ©lidas, a long-standing women’s rights organization, and PRO-VIDA, a humanitarian association that works in areas of healthcare, ecology, and strengthening of democratic institutions. In a statement following the raids, a representative of Las MĂ©lidas condemned them as “unjustified” and meant to “criminalize” the group’s initiatives, which include literacy, violence prevention, sexual health campaigns, and other programs serving the country’s most marginalized women. (Photo via Twitter)

Central America
Diana Isabel HernĂĄndez

Environmental defender slain in Guatemala

Environmental activist Diana Isabel HernĂĄndez was slain in an attack by armed men on a religious procession in her community of Monte Gloria,  in the Guatemalan department of SuchitepĂ©quez. HernĂĄndez was a leader of the Mujeres Madre Tierra Association, a group linked to the local Catholic church that worked to protect forests and promote organic agriculture. The Alianza por la Solidaridad human rights network denounced the slaying as a “cowardly murder that adds to the many cases of attacks on leaders who work for the common good.” The network counts 16 social leaders assassinated in Guatemala last year—compared to three in 2017. (Photo via InfoLibre)

Central America

El Salvador: indigenous mark 1932 massacre

Nahua-Pipil indigenous communities in El Salvador gathered to recall the 1932 genocide that marked the start of generations of suppression of their language and culture.