North America

Michigan doctor charged with FGM

A Michigan physician was charged in federal cour for performing female genital mutilation on girls as young as six—a practice labelled a form of torture by the United Nations.


Iraq bans alcoholic beverages

Iraq's parliament approved a law "forbidding the import, manufacture and sale of all kinds of alcohol drinks." Lawmakers from the Christian minority protest it as discriminatory.

Greater Middle East

Syria: fall of Dabiq fails to spark apocalypse

Free Syrian Army forces backed by Turkish warplanes took the town of Dabiq from ISIS—failing to spark the apocalyptic battle that the "caliphate" had prophesied.


Nigeria: pogroms target Shi’ites

Shops and homes belonging to Shi'ite Muslims in Nigeria's Kaduna state were destroyed by rampaging Sunni mobs in a wave of attacks that spread across several towns.

Greater Middle East

Yemen: Saudis bomb anti-bombing demonstration

Saudi fighter jets carried out air-strikes on a peaceful rally in Yemen's capital Sanaa that had been called to protest Saudi air-strikes, leaving several dead.