Southeast Asia

Philippines: legal challenge to deadly drug war

Manila's Center for International Law is going to bat for citizens targeted by President Rodrigo Duterte's lawless and murderous "war on drugs"—despite the threat of reprisals.

Southeast Asia

Philippines strongman threatens martial law

The Philippines' ultra-hardline President Rodrigo Duterte now threatens to actually impose martial law across the country if the drug problem becomes "very virulent."

Southeast Asia

Duterte says Trump approves bloody drug war

The Philippines' ultra-hardline President Duterte boasted that Donald Trump has endorsed his bloody anti-drug crackdown—which has claimed an estimated 3,000 lives.

Southeast Asia

Duterte threatens to kill human rights activists

Accused of carrying out 3,000 extrajudicial executions, the Philippines' ultra-hardline President Duterte now threatens to kill human rights activists who dare to complain about it.