South Asia

India: Bodo militants massacre tribal people

National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) militants shot dead at least 50 adivasis, or tribal people, in a wave of coordinated attacks across India's northeast state of Assam.

South Asia

Massive oil spill fouls Bangladesh mangroves

A massive oil spill is threatening endangered dolphins, Bengal tigers and other rare wildlife in the world's largest mangrove forest, the Sunderbans of Bangladesh.

South Asia

Bangladesh: tribunal convicts UK journalist

A special tribunal in Bangladesh found British journalist David Bergman guilty of contempt for challenging the official death toll of the 1971 independence war with Pakistan.

South Asia

Pakistan: co-defendants added to Musharraf case

Pakistan's Federal Shariat Court ordered that former prime minister Shaukat Aziz and other ex-high officials be added to the treason case against deposed strongman Pervez Musharraf.