Greater Middle East

Kurds punished for success against ISIS

As Syrian Kurdish forces advance towards Raqqa, the ISIS capital, Turkish state media have launched a campaign charging them with ethnic cleansing of Arabs in seized territory.


Netanyahu’s doublethink

Netanyahu's speech before Congress was mostly controversial over its perceived meddling in US politics—not its incessant barrage of lies, distortions and double standards.

Southern Cone

Argentina: golpe or auto-golpe?

As charges were dropped against President Cristina Fernández, the intelligence service dissolved and cabinet purged, opposition lawmakers said a "self-coup" is in the works.

The Andes

Venezuela to nuke New York… Not!

Once again, a nuclear scientist is caught on tape agreeing to sell secrets to a foreign government. Except Venezuela wasn't involved at all—the whole things is an FBI scam.


ISIS to attack US through Mexico …Not!

John McCain prompted testimony from a Homeland Security official that ISIS could seek to infiltrate the US through Mexico. The media jumped on it, but there's nothing there.


Fascist pseudo-anti-fascism advances in Russia

Putin's political machine convened an "anti-fascist" summit at Yalta in annexed Crimea, attended by Hungary's Jobbik party, the British Nationalist Party and other neo-fascist entities.


Anti-Semitism and ‘cognitive infiltrators’

Common Dreams website claims to have conducted an investigation revealing that "more than a thousand" anti-Semitic comments posted to the site "were written with deceptive purpose."