The Andes

Peru: new stand-off at Conga mine site

Some 4,000 campesino protesters again converged on the Conga mine site in Peru, pledging to establish an encampement and remain there to resist operations.

The Andes

Peru: is Conga project cancelled?

Peru’s mining minister Jorge Merino denied media reports that the controversial gold project at Conga, in northern Cajamarca region, has been cancelled.

The Andes

Peru: life term for neo-senderista

Peru’s high court sentenced “Comrade Artemio,” one of the last “historic” leaders of the Shining Path guerilla movement, to life in prison on terrorism and drug trafficking charges.

The Andes

Peru: new confrontation at Conga mine site

National Police fired on protesters occupying the site of the Conga gold mining project in Peru's Cajamarca region, leaving one wounded in the leg and abdomen. 

The Andes

‘Narco-pardons’ scandal shakes Peru elite

A parliamentary Mega-Commission investigating corruption under ex-president Álan García has shocked Peru with its findings that hundreds of narco-traffickers were pardoned.

The Andes

Peru: protests over militarization of coca zone

Peasants protested in Peru's coca-producing Apurímac-Ene River Valley after army troops fired on a public transport microbus, injuring nine. A state of emergency permits impunity.