The Amazon

Peru: Culture Ministry halts Camisea expansion

Peru’s Vice-Ministry of Inter-Culturality blocked expansion of the Camisea gas project, asserting that “isolated” indigenous peoples could be made extinct if it goes ahead.

Peru: pro-coca lawmaker ordered imprisoned

A court in Lima issued an order of “preventative detention” against ex-lawmaker Nancy Obregón, on suspicion of narco-trafficking and “collaboration with terrorism.” 

The Andes

Peru: general strike against labor reform

Peru’s CGTP labor federation led angry protests in Lima ahead of independence day celebrations and pledged to mount a general strike to protest a reactionary new labor law.

The Andes

Peru: Montesinos cleared in bloody 1997 raid

Peru's Supreme Court acquitted former intelligence chief Vladimiro Montesinos of charges related to the bloody 1997 raid on the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima.

The Andes

Peru: developers raze ancient pyramid

A demolition crew razed a pyrmaid at El Paraiso archaeological site in Lima—apparently contracted by developers who covet the lands for a new commerical center.
The Andes

Archaeologists race tomb-raiders in Peru

The archaeologists who unearthed a priceless pre-Inca burial chamber at Huarmey, Peru, were in a race with outlaw tomb-raiders who operate with impunity.

The Andes

Peru: peasant leader killed in Cajamarca

Carlos Vásquez Becerra, a campesino leader who opposed mining projects in Peru’s conflicted Cajamarca region, was found beaten to death in a canyon.

The Andes

Peru: student protests rock Cuzco

Riot police clashed with student protesters in Cuzco opposing a proposed education law they call a step towards privatizion of Peru’s national university system.