Colombia: top neo-para commander escapes
A former commander of Colombian neo-paramilitary group Los Paisas, implicated in massacres, escaped after armed men ambushed the van he was being transported in.
A former commander of Colombian neo-paramilitary group Los Paisas, implicated in massacres, escaped after armed men ambushed the van he was being transported in.
Colombia's federation of cattle ranchers rejected the recent agrarian deal with the FARC, charging that it could lead to Venezuela-style expropriations of private property.
Israel’s embassy in Mexico City denied widespread reports in the Mexican media that Israeli military advisors are training police in the southern state of Chiapas.
Guatemala’s President Otto Pérez Molina inaugurated a new paramilitary force after an armed attack on a National Police post left eight officers dead and a commander abducted.
Libyan Special Forces, army troops and protesters repeatedly clashed with a paramilitary unit in Benghazi called the Libyan Shields, leaving some 30 dead.
Nepalese Maoist leader Prachanda sent a condolence letter to Sonia Gandhi over the attack by Maoist Naxalite guerillas in which 27 were killed, including a brutal paramilitary chief.
Turkey sees in the battle for Qusayr a strategy to create an Alawite mini-state within Syria, purged of Sunni Muslims, to which the ruling elite can withdraw for a last stand.
Negotiators from Colombia's government and the FARC rebels signed an agreement on agrarian reform, calling for redistribution of illegally held or underused lands.
A controversial paramilitary leader was among 28 killed in a Naxalite ambush on a convoy accompanying politicians from a rally in India’s Chhattisgarh state.
Paramilitaries and state police are stepping up the harassment of residents resisting the construction of wind farms by foreign companies near Oaxaca’s Pacific coast.
An AP probe refutes US claims that no police aid to Honduras goes to units under the force's overall commander Juan Carlos Bonilla AKA "El Tigre"—an accused death squad leader.
Colombia’s high court found former Liberal Party regional boss César Pérez García guilty of having ordered the massacre of a village after it voted in the left-wing Unión Patriótica.