The Andes

Colombia: kingpin named in Trujillo Massacre

Colombia's prosecutor charged notorious drug kingpin "Don Diego" with masterminding several massacres between 1988 and 1994 in which hundreds of peasants were killed.

North Africa

Beyond Benghazi: Libya faces converging crises

The death of a US national in Benghazi thrust Libya briefly into the news—as lawless militias, ethnic conflicts and labor strife daily claim lives across the country.

The Andes

Colombia: Cauca campesino leader assassinated

Sergio Úlcue Perdomo, a campesino leader who brought a case to the OAS human rights body over paramilitary terror in Cauca, was killed at his home by unknown gunmen.

The Andes

Colombia: mine opponents assassinated

Cesar García and Adelinda Gómez, two campesino leaders who opposed the operations of AngloGold Ashanti in Colombia, were assassinated just weeks apart.

The Andes

Colombia: river defender assassinated

Nelson Giraldo Posada, a spokesman for campesinos forcibly relocated to make way for the HidroItuango hydro-electric project, was slain by unknown gunmen in Ituango, Colombia. 

The Andes

Colombia: injured GM workers continue fight

Injured GM workers are still trying to get compensation and new jobs, while Chiquita continues to deny any responsibility for murders by the paramilitaries it paid off.

The Andes

Colombia: ex-senator wanted for para links

Colombia's high court issued a an arrest order for Luis Alfredo Ramos, former senator and current presidential candidate, on suspicion of collaboration with paramilitaries.