Southeast Asia

Duterte says Trump approves bloody drug war

The Philippines' ultra-hardline President Duterte boasted that Donald Trump has endorsed his bloody anti-drug crackdown—which has claimed an estimated 3,000 lives.

East Asia

Taiwan Strait in the Trump world order

Did Tsai Ing-wen exploit Trump's anti-China stance to score a point against Beijing? Or was she herself played by Cold Warriors who seek to exploit Taiwan in the Great Game?

East Asia

China factor in the Trump world order

Xi Jinping is weighing whether he will be invited to join the authoritarian New Order—or whether Putin will desert him for Trump, and the two of them will gang up on China.

Southeast Asia

Philippines to turn to China for drug war aid?

The Philippines' ultra-hardline President Duterte, in announcing his "separation" from the US, praised China for providing aid without criticizing his atrocious human rights record.

Southeast Asia

Hague to rule in South China Sea dispute

Amid US brinkmanship in the South China Sea, a UN arbitration court agreed to hear the Philippines' challenge of Beijing's territorial claims.

East Asia

Tiananmen spectacle, historical revisionism

The massive spectacle in Beijing commemorating China's victory in the Sino-Japanese War was preceded by arrests of activists pushing a dissident version of the conflict's history.