US troops to Philippines amid Mindanao fighting
The White House is finalizing a deal with the Philippines that will allow the US to deploy more troops—as new fighting is reported from Mindanao despite talks with Islamist rebels.
The White House is finalizing a deal with the Philippines that will allow the US to deploy more troops—as new fighting is reported from Mindanao despite talks with Islamist rebels.
National Police troops in Peru’s Cajamarca region opened fire on campesinos protesting the Chadín II hydro-electric project at the highland town of Celendín, wounding nine.
Violence continues in northern Honduras, with death threats against opponents of open-pit mining and the murder of a longtime campesino leader and his son.
Carlos Vásquez Becerra, a campesino leader who opposed mining projects in Peru’s conflicted Cajamarca region, was found beaten to death in a canyon.
Chinese-owned mining companies in the Democratic Republic of Congo are contributing to a culture of human rights abuses, Amnesty International reports.
Some 4,000 campesino protesters again converged on the Conga mine site in Peru, pledging to establish an encampement and remain there to resist operations.
As Peru’s government continues to stall on implementation of the Prior Consultation Law, indigenous leaders have issued calls for declaration of a “plurinational state.”
Peru’s mining minister Jorge Merino denied media reports that the controversial gold project at Conga, in northern Cajamarca region, has been cancelled.
Greenpeace activists carried out a banner drop to dramatize the threat Barrick Gold’s open-pit mining poses to a biosphere reserve in the western province of San Juan.
Bolivian mine workers ended a two-week strike when the government agreed to a pension hike, but the episode may represent a break between Evo Morales and COB labor federation.
National Police fired on protesters occupying the site of the Conga gold mining project in Peru's Cajamarca region, leaving one wounded in the leg and abdomen.
Barrick Gold is ordered to suspend work on its massive Pascua Lama mine high in the Andes; the company also gets a fine that Greenpeace dismisses as “laughable.”