The Andes

FARC narco-factions refuse to lay down arms

FARC leaders admit that five regional commanders—those most co-opted by the narco trade—are refusing to lay down arms, and have been expelled from the movement.

The Andes

Ecuador: ecology group ordered closed

Ecuador's government ordered Quito-based activist group Acción Ecológica closed amid a wave of repression against indigenous anti-mining protesters in the Amazon.

Central Asia

Tibet: climate struggle frontline

Climate change is found to blame for a massive avalanche that killed nine yak-herders in Tibet, as indigenous resistance continues to China's extractive agenda for the region.

The Andes

APEC summit: Peru moves closer to China

At the APEC the summit in Lima, China and Peru signed a series of bilateral agreements to advance "free trade" and cooperation in the mineral and resource sectors.

The Andes

Peru: stand-off continues at Las Bambas mine

Blockades at the mammoth Bambas copper mine were relaxed after Peru's vice president flew in to meet with protesters, but local communities refuse to accept government terms.